The Misao Awards
Below are the winners from the second year (2003) the Misao awards were run:
Best CMS - Final Fantasy: Crystal Wings
Best Overall Cast - Aurora Wing
Best Use of Mack and Blue - Until My Finest Hour
Best use of RTP - Jay's Journey
Best use of sound effects - Until My Finest Hour
Most Annoying character - Lehyne, Phylomortis 2
Worst Dialog - Eden Saga
Best Art - Idunn Ymiraldor
Best CBS - Aurora Wing
Best Comedy Game - The Most Stupidest Game Ever Re-duh
Best Complete Game - Legion Saga 3
Best Dialog - Maranda/With His Father's Sword
Best Dungeons - The Way
Best Fangame - Final Fantasy: Crystal Wings
Best Individual Character - Rhue, The Way
Best Music - Fuji Yume
Best overall graphics - Idunn Ymiraldor
Best reviewer - RPG Advocate
Best Rm2k game moment - Rooftop scene/Destruction of Philadelphia, Idunn Ymiraldor
Best use of a cliche - Rooftop scene/Chris the adorable tomboy, Idunn Ymiraldor
Best villain - Shadar, Demon Legacy
Biggest Mistake of the year - RTP 1.32
Funniest Game - RTP Unlimited: Silent Thoughts
Game that failed the most - Legion Saga 3
Hardest Game - Phylomortis 2 PBFS
Most anticipated game feature -Tamagotchi things, Idunn Ymiraldor
Most controversial game - Tabernacle
Most descriptive world - Phylomortis 2 PBFS
Most laggy game - Until My Finest Hour
Most likely to be finished - Idunn Ymiraldor
Most overhyped - Legion Saga 3
Most overrated - Legion Saga 3
Most promising upcoming game - Idunn Ymiraldor
Most talented coder - Laughy
Worst plot - Rm2k checkers
Worst reviewer - Lithium
Best game of the year - The Way
Misao Links
- Main Misao Page
( The Committee Nomination phase is over, and commitee members will be announced shortly. )
- Category Nominations
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- Voting
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