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The Misao Awards
Below are the winners from the third year (2004) the Misao awards were run:

Most Rushed Game - SpireBattle
Xenogears Award - Anthology ( Shadowtext's Chapter )
Best Cancelled Demo - Easy Mac 2
Best Cast - The Way
Best CBS or ABS - The Frozen World
Best CMS - The Way
Best Chain Game - GW's First Chain Game
Best Character - Rhue, The Way
Best Comedy Game - Easy Mac 2
Best Complete Game - Romancing Walker
Best Graphics - The Way
Best Cutscene - Press Conference and ending, The Frozen World
Best Dialogue - The Way
Most Anticipated Game - ABL: Line's End
Best Game of the Year - The Way: Episode 4
Best Game Series - The Way
Best Title For a Game - Until We Get to Heaven
Best Graphics Artist - FLARE
Best Minigame - Plunge System, The Way
Best Music - The Way
Best non-RPG - Push!
Most original concept - The Frozen World
Best plot - The Way
Best coded game - The Way
Best article writer - Xanqui
Best RTP Game - Kraire Storm
Best villain - Strata, The Way
Biggest Disappointment - Dragon's Destiny 2 being cancelled
Biggest Ripoff - Final Fantasy 13
Easiest Rm2k/3 Game - Easy Quest Trilogy
Best Support Character - Traziun, The Way
Most Annoying Game - Final Fantasy 13
Most Difficult Game - The Blue Contestant/The Frozen World
Most Grotesque Scene - Anything from Dooms 2
Laggiest Game - Rm2k Survivor: NYSE
Most Mysterious Character - Rhue, Serena, Gaius or Phantom Slasher, The Way
Most Overhyped Game - Final Fantasy 0
Most Pretentious Game - Legion Saga R
Most Technically Advanced Game - The Way
Sleeper Hit of the Year - Push!
Best Theme ( What is being taught in the game ) - A Blurred Line
Worst Fad - Final Fantasy Fangames
Worst Character - Chano, Channel Changer
Worst Dialog - Final Fantasy 13
Worst Game of the Year - The Donald Fuck RPG

Misao Links
- Main Misao Page
( The Committee Nomination phase is over, and commitee members will be announced shortly. )
- Category Nominations
- Game Nominations
- Voting
- View Nominations
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